Launching In...

325 D
09 H
54 M
30 S

Coming Soon

Thank you for visiting our website! We are currently working on creating a new and exciting online experience for you. While we finish up the final touches, please sign up for our newsletter to receive exclusive updates and offers.

We are also pleased to announce a contract update:

Old CA of Governance Token: 0x17258ca8dabbfbdcb969d108a016ab4cb93b74e9
New CA of Governance Token: 0x0672c556FDe88724085393acb823D7b04729015a

Old CA of Utility token: 0x2f3de6b0a73d965f810864e3686c1c8ea634c10e
New CA of Utility token: 0x5bdd5173F31F0Ea299fEe02625272E34fCaab26E
